Tapping Into the Rich Potentiality of Forex Charts

Forex charts are pictorial representations of figures/words/values of trades conducted in the currency market. The price is normally placed on the Y-axis while the changes in time on the X-axis.

These representations of Forex charts are based on data collected from all over the world thus are deemed to be accurate and. The information on these Forex charts is analyzed by professionals in two ways: fundamentally and technically.

Forex Analysis

Fundamental analysis is done by correlating trends in the charts and the events that happen in the market e.g. political, social, economic events and others.

Technical analysis is done by correlating the actual occurrences in the market and the established trend of operations.

Both ways of analysis have always ensured that traders have relative ease in interpreting the immense data from the ever changing currency market.

With the right analysis from these experts, you don’t have to rely on guesswork to make your trade in the currency market; by just looking at the Forex charts, you are able to make informed decisions. In addition, best interpretations are amassed to be based on facts and logic.

Types of Forex Charts

The Forex charts are normally tailored in various forms to suit the different needs of its targeted users. Some forms of the Forex charts commonly used include single currency charts (only one currency represented in the chart) and combination charts (two or more currencies in one chart). Examples of the above include line charts and candlestick charts.

image: Forex Promos

It is based on the heavy reliance of traders on the Forex charts that they come in weekly, monthly or even yearly durations to quench the never ending thirst by these traders. This mainly helps traders by noting valuable trends that are vital for avoiding losses or ensuring profits.

Online Charts

The increasing developments in technology have further simplified the once painstaking duty of drawing Forex charts. With just a mouse click, you can easily access real-time data from the internet and feed them into the computer software which in turn translates them into valuable charts.

In as much as the charts can be easily created and accessed, a trader should go further and keep a keen eye on the Forex charts. Most big movements in the Forex market start from minimal market breakouts so when you see some trend starting to crop in the charts whether to the positive or negative, take note and act knowledgeably.

Through the Forex charts, we are also able to know the real-time prices of currencies. This makes it very easy for buying and sales to occur thus increasing good circulation in the currency markets. As a final point, once you have proved that a tool works, keep on using it and avoid those that prove shaky and prone to losses.

What is Forex Trading?

Forex Stands for FOReign EXchange, which deals in exchanging foreign currencies not by the way of centralized exchanging platform but conducted over-the-counter (OTC) electronically. It involves currency trading from different countries of the world. According to an analysis, almost $3 trillion or even more are traded everyday in foreign exchange markets which reveal the vastness of this trading venture. Everything is done via computers between traders sitting in different corners of the world. Major financial exchanges of developed countries (located in London, NY, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore etc.) control this mega trading game during their specific trading hours.

image: stock.xchng

Forex exchange is 24 hours market with huge trading volume of $3 trillion plus every day. The reason is need for exchanging currencies for certain reasons or for enjoying profit generated after value of your currency increases in the market. That is why only 5% trade is done by companies/individuals for getting buying another currency for business needs while 95% trading is done just for making money due to the fluctuating value of various currencies possible throughout the day. Forex market carries highest liquidity due to its immense potential of generating profits within few minutes. Even stock market with around $2 trillion turnover everyday seems dwarf due to the huge volume of FX market.

Top Currency Pairs in Forex

Currencies are traded in pair in forex. The most traded currencies are called majors which are given below:

*US Dollar (USD)
* Japanese Yen (JPY)
* Euro (EUR)
* British Pound (GBP)
* Canadian Dollar (CAD)
* Australian Dollar (AUD)
* Swiss Franc (CHF)

For representing a currency pair, their abbreviations are used. Top currency pairs which are traded mostly throughout the world are given below in their abbreviated forms.

1. Euro and US Dollar (EUR/USD)

2. US Dollar and the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) (The Gopher)

3. British Pound and US Dollar (GBP/USD) (The Cable)


5. US Dollar and Swiss franc (USD/CHF) (The Swissie)

6. AUD/USD (The Aussie)

Forex trading is usually done by hiring a broker who places trade according to your preferences. Placing trades with the help of broker does not take more than few minutes. You just make preference and broker passes it to Interbank Market to create your position. As you close trades, your broker also closes your position in the market and credits the forex account with gain or loss of amount traded on that specific day.

Traders or investors interested in exchanging foreign currencies from all corners the world respond to fluctuations in major currencies and buy or sell currencies in an anticipation of generating instant profit for their investment. An investor prefers to buy a currency at lower rate and sells it with an increase in its value in market. In this way forex exchange becomes the most lucrative, huge money making market with immense potential of earning profit within a game of few clicks on approaching the desired value of certain currency.